This ICC, we engaged 150 volunteers in two beach cleanups and 300 attendees at our celebratory bock party afterwards.
This year we partnered with Coconut Grove Business Improvement District to bring two cleanups to the Grove. One was an Island cleanup with local organization Shake-A-Leg and the other was a Peacock Park + Street Cleanup. Both cleanups were well attended and in just a few short hours we were able to remove 825+ lbs of trash from our community.
Afterwards, we held a block party with Coconut Grove BID on Fuller Street where attendees got free reusable cups and reusable bento boxes after making a pledge to eliminate at least one plastic item from their lives. These pledges will be mailed out to attendees next year to see if they are keeping up with it.
Live music was provided by Vanya Allen, a Coconut Grove native, and beverage discounts were given at Barracuda’s bar for those who used a reusable cup.